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Faces of PPROM - Join in our Easter Video


Is a time of reflecting and we are reflecting on what PPROM is and who is impacted by it.

Therefore we would love you to join in our Easter video called

"I'm the Face of PPROM"

Big Thank you to Kristen and Rhiannon, for being the first one's to send your photos in for our Easter video/

Who else wants to join in ?

If so submit your photos ASAP to our Facebook page here

Make sure you post on our comment and also make sure you private message us to confirm you want to be part of this

The more that join in the more we show the World how important PPROM is and how many lives have been impacted by PPROM

What we would love to receive is, photos of you with the following wording,

1. I'm the Face of PPROM

2. Photo if possible with our pprom poster (go to photo albums and print of one of our posters if you haven't done so and try to make sure when you take a photo you can see our contact details if possible).

3. Photo with a saying what PPROM is to you

Looking forward to creating this video and raising PPROM awareness

❤ ❤ ❤

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