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Amanda's story

Amanda's story
PPROM at 17 weeks
Hope born at 28 weeks + 3 days
My waters broke at 17 weeks after bleeding from 7 weeks due to a subchronic hematoma.
I never knew waters could break so early but after reading up and finding little heartbeats website I began to understand the seriousness of our condition.
I attended weekly hospital appointments to check for infection, but was told if I began showing signs of infection they would need to deliver my baby but if I was under 24 weeks there would be nothing they could do to try and save my baby.
I read up and asked other Pprom mums advice on how to prolong the pregnancy and avoid infection.
I was given antibitotics the week after I ppromed after advice I had been given from little heartbeats.
We found out we may have been having a girl at 18 weeks but doctors were still unsure as I never had any measurable fluid around my baby girl which made it hard to see. Doctors asked me if I wanted to terminate but I knew where there was still a heartbeat there was still hope.
We had a few scares a long the way prepped for a C section twice due to bleeding and fetal distress, but when we reached 28 weeks and 3 days the doctors told me it was time to take my baby out as my placenta was tearing away.
Hope Blackburn was born at 6:49am on the 17th february 2016 weighing 1lb 13.5oz.
She needed a lot of help to breathe the doctors kept telling me she was very sick but she was stable and I began to think she would be ok.
Until we were woke up at 4am on the 18th feb to say Hope was slowly passing away,
They had tried everything they could but because of my waters breaking so early she had no fluid and her little lungs had not developed properly. She passed away on my chest close to my heart.
To this day I do not regret carrying on and giving her a chance.
Some babies do survive pprom but my baby was ment to be an angel.
Hope will be with us in our hearts forever.
Always have Hope x

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