We support pregnant mums through PPROM, and their partners and families, we also send PPROM information packs on request Free of Charge, and support you regardless of outcomes.
If PPROM is suspected
The following is a concise but accurate procedure and checklist:
1. Read the PPROM patient guidelines
2. Mums will be asked to wear a sanitary pad.
3. Do not lift anything heavy.
4. Go to a maternity hospital immediately.
(If you are under 20 weeks and living in the UK get to the nearest large hospital ie St Mary's in Manchester or St James in Leeds who have a emergency under 20 week gestation unit).
5. You will be seen by both a midwife and doctor. It is highly recommend you ask to see a consultant at this stage.
You will be asked to supply your pregnancy history and any previous births.
6. They will then do a vaginal inspection and a doctor will wash their hands and use a sterile speculum to check your cervix to see if they can detect amniotic fluid and carry out a nitrazine test or similar.
They will also be looking for signs of change in the cervix that suggest the body's preparation for labour.
7. A specific test of fluid will be carried out to confirm either way that the waters have broken. However be aware that these tests are not 100% accurate.
8. You should undergo an ultrascan as soon as possible to check the amount of water surrounding the baby. The water levels are checked by AFI levels and measured in pockets which will dertimined PPROM
If this is not offered, ask for one.
9. Midwife or doctor will check your baby's heartbeat.
If it is confirmed that your waters have broken then the following should happen:
1. You should be admitted into hospital for at least 48 hours.
2. You should receive regular monitoring of your baby.
3. You should be monitored for signs of labour.
4. You should be monitored for signs of infection which will include having your temperature and pulse taken.
5. A blood test should be taken to confirm your white cell markers.
6. A vaginal swab should be taken to check for Group B Strep (group b streptoccocus).
7. You may be offered an emergency stitch if your waters are in tact but bulging. If it is not offered ask about this option.
There are risks with this procedure but at least you will be aware of the option.
8. You are within your rights to request treatment that will stop your labour.
9. If your PPROM is confirmed you should be offered a 10 day course of antibiotics, please do read the RCOG guidelines, see our front & professional page for links to guidelines.
If at any stage you would like a second opinion, do not hesitate to ask for a consultant.
Ultimately it is yours and your baby's health.
There is hope if you do suffer PPROM.
If you live in the UK and go into labour prior to 24 weeks the medical staff will inform you that the chance of carrying to full term is very low. However more and more babies are surviving PPROM without any health issues.
Knowledge is the key. We believe knowing what to do and when to do it greatly improves your baby's chance. And to have access to this knowledge should be the right of all parents, who after all, you will forever live with the outcome.