Arlene Guadalupe GarciaArlene Guadalupe Garcia
Mum Ashley Estrada Godinez, pprom @ 17 weeks but didn't find out until her 19 week scan
Labour at 27+6 weeks via c section
Due to placenta abruption
Born July 2015
Born: NJ, USA
Now: 6 months adjusted , 3 months corrected |  Evynn StoneEvynn Stone
Mom Sara Campbell Osowski pprom at 18weeks
Delivered 33 weeks emergency c section
No labor- fetal heart rate deceleration too low/long
Born U.S.
Born September 2015 |  Asiah Billion DayAsiah Billion Day
Mom Darla Day, Full PPROM at 18weeks, delivered at 33+5.
Labor started naturally with early signs of infection.
Born USA,
Born December 2015
Spent 1st day on Oscillator, downgraded to CPAP 2nd day, breathing room air entirely on his own by 3rd day! Got jaundice but healed after 2 days under lights, now on day 20 of NICU stay just working on mastering bottle/breastfeeding before he can come home! |
 Caleb SankeyCaleb,
Mum Lori Sankey, PPROM'd at 32w2d
Labour: Went into spontaneous labour at 33w4d, Born on April 2015
Cause behind labour, They don't know why I PPROM'd, I don't think they carried out any investigations |  Louie GravesLouie Graves
Mum Becky, PPROM at 32+6 gestation
Gestation labour at, 34 weeks
Reason for your labour: Unknown
Mum Becky said, Louie had a true knot in his umbilical cord. Completely unrelated to my waters breaking and labour didn't start on its own. I had a gut feeling I needed to get him out and so was induced at 34 weeks. Had I waited until term (as recommended by the doctors!) Louie wouldn't be here today.
Born in UK
Born 22nd November 2014 |  Tobi SymmeersTobi Symmerrs
PPROM 33+5
Delivered 34+0.
Mum, Jody, went into Labour naturally following PPROM
Born in UK. |