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Nicola's story

Nicola's story
PPROM at 20 weeks
Austen born at 32 weeks
Austen's story.
On 31/10/15 at 20 + 3 weeks my waters broke no reason was ever given to why, when they told me I was heart broken I had never heard of this happening before.
Over the weeks I was seen at the hospital twice a week on a Monday I would listen in to my baby and have a scan to see how much fluid there was and on a Thursday my bloods were taken to check for any infection. There was always around 4cm of fluid.
At 24 weeks I had my steroid injections 2 shots 24 hours apart to develop baby's lungs and continued with my weekly monitoring.
My baby boy was born at 32 weeks exactly on the 20/01/2016.. I delivered on my own but it was a traumatic delivery my contractions were little and random then disappeared and he was ready to be delivered. I'm not sure what put me into labour or why the contractions stopped but my boy was born screaming and I was so happy to hear his little cry.
We decided to name our boy Austen William Muir and initially all looked good he was 4lbs 2 oz and only needed a little help. But that night he worsened and needed to be put on 100% oxygen and adrenaline to keep a passage in his heart open for the oxygen to flow. The hospital staff were still hopeful though they said he would only need some medicine into his lungs then all the tubes would be removed..
On day 4 we were taken into that dreaded little room for bad news..
My poor baby's kidney's were failing and he had had a bleed on the brain.. They were going to reduce his medication to see if his kidneys would begin to function but on day 5 there was no improvement and the bleed had worsened..
So on the 25/01/2016 we were told that it was only a matter of time, we can keep pumping our boy with medicine and let him decide when he had had enough or we can make him comfortable and say our goodbyes..
I didn't want to put my precious boy through any unnecessary pain so all our friends and family came and spent the day meeting and saying goodbye to Austen.
Once we were ready we got to have him brought along to a family room where in private we had our chance to say goodbye. 12 weeks we both managed to keep our bodies together then 5 beautiful days my boy gave us.
I will never forget my brown eyed boy and my heart breaks that he is not
here with my now.
I hope in time there is more medial insight into Pprom and we can avoid this happening to so many women who sometimes have never even heard of the condition.

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