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Amy's story

Christine Violet
Christine Violet born at 33 weeks
PPROM at 21 weeks
Amy's story
My name is Amy Hack and at 21 weeks my waters burst I was taken into the hospital and told the best thing was to terminate my baby girl I just couldn't bring myself to do after I told them no they told me I would lose her within 48 hours but every week she held on scan after scan week after week then at 33 weeks it was her time to make a appearance.
When we got to the hospital we was told she had no more waters left and she was breech so emergency c - section it was at 8.23 my beautiful baby girl christine violet was born weighing in at 4lbs 9oz she was perfect.
We spent a week in neonatal she was so tiny but now she's 8 months old and even more perfect from the first day that I saw her I feel blessed everytime I look at her I see a miracle.

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