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Kate's story

Nicholas born 30 weeks
PPROM at 22 weeks
Kate's story
On this day one year ago, my water broke (not all the way) at 22 weeks with my son. I was sent to virtual labor and delivery. They did a test on me to see if my water broke and they said it came out negative and I must have peed myself...which I didn't think I did. I called the doctor that Monday and they said to come in asap.
I went in and he did the same test the hospital did and it came out positive.
The look on his face scared me so much because he looked like he wanted to cry for me but at that time I didn't know why he looked like that until he sat us down and explained.
He told me to go Cooper hospital since they handle premature babies and also told me that when a baby is born at 22 weeks NO chance of survival. Usually, when the water breaks.. a woman delivers within 48 hours.
When he said that I was in shock...complete shock. Like why me...why us...
I went to Cooper hospital and they did the same test and came out negative. I'm like wow! Is it negative or positive!!!?? So a student doctor came in and tried to convince me!! To abort my baby!!! I couldn't believe my ears!!! She said if your baby is born he won't survive and if you make it to 24 weeks he will be deaf, blind, mentally challenge!
I said he has a heart beat no F***-ing way! So they kept me for 48 hours and I didn't go into labor! Thank god!! I was sent home on bed rest and told to come back in 2 weeks at
24 weeks when the can actually help me and my son.
So I lay in bed for 2 weeks wondering if my son will die or live or what will happen to him...will I have a child in a wheelchair, will I have to learn sign language, or where will he live when Tim and I are too old to take care of him... to even thinking about a funeral frown emoticon I was a complete mess.... I made it to 24 weeks...
I went back to the hospital and they still couldn't confirm my water broke. So they did the blue dye test. They injected blue dye into my sac. And told me to insert a tampon and remove it after 4 hours and if it was blue then my water did break.
Summary of my journey as follows,
I PPROM at 22 weeks and delivered at 30 weeks. My son Nicholas is now 10 months old. I just went into labor on 30 weeks on the dot. No infections. He was in the NICU for 6 1/2 weeks. He was sent home with no issues. 1 week after he came home he stopped breathing, I had performed CPR. The same day he received his 2-month shots, even though technically he wasn't like a 2 month I would have only been 37 weeks pregnant.
Anyway, the doctors wouldn't blame the shots, they blamed it on reflux.
He was sent home on the apnea monitor and hasn't had an episode since. He was born at 3lbs 5oz. 16 1/2 inches. He's now. 18.8lbs and 27 1/2 inches and doing great!

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