PPROM survey
We are running these two PPROM survey's to find out about your experiences
Please spare 5 minutes of your time to do these
Survey 1 of 2 PPROM care :- www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LDFMNPS
Survey 2 of 2 PPROM care:- www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LJCRLTV
Just in case you missed our song,
Little Heartbeat's PPROM song, "Where's there's a Heartbeat, There's Hope
(our song of hope but not false hope, please comment on our You Tube video link and please do share)
No of views watched on You Tube has been by 1287 people and 6 comments
No of views watched on our Facebook page has been by 3800 people and 9 comments