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Sinead's 8th Birthday in the stars

8 years ago I gave birth to my sleeping princess Sinead

Instead of a party today me and my rainbow daughter Siobhan are lying down 8 flowers which represents a year which we have missed out on

- we didn't get to hear our baby cry - we didn't get to celebrate her milestones - we didn't get to have cuddles and chat about the day - we didn't get to nursery or school - we didn't get to take her to baby groups - we didn't get to sing happy birthday

- to see her grow up

This list goes on...

I started Little Heartbeats so we can educate and empower pregnant mums to be the voice for their babies and we have helped to age babies lives and we also helping families who also lose their babies

I have never forgiven myself for not knowing about PPROM and failing to get my voice heard and I never quite forgiven the medical staff which quoted the following

1. On the day I lost Sinead, the doctor came in and asked me 'why did no one give you a cervical stitch" (as my baby daughter was lying dead in a cupboard) 2. When filling out the post-mortem form the doctor said "you can't sue us" 3. Then the doctor said "it was God's will" which when you just lost your baby you don't want to hear :( 4. The community midwife said to me "I never knew your baby was going to die"

Had they just listened to me, then maybe, just maybe Sinead would be a healthy 8 year old little girl

If you can please take the time to sign our petition and take the time to share our posts / videos on our page that will help us spread awareness of pprom in pregnancy

One day we will have better care for all our pregnant mums faced with pprom so that our future babies get a chance to live because Sinead never did :(

Please shout yes once you have signed here

2. 6,009 have signed lets get this to 100,000 people?

I know many won't sign because they simply don't understand how important it is for our mums and dads to be pprom aware and using the right language is important especially if a pregnant woman and her partner are about to lose a very much wanted baby

Because we do not forget those last moments

Little Heartbeats website is here,

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