PPROM RCOG Draft Patient Leaflet - YOUR comments are WANTED
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) have launched the consultation phase for their draft PPROM patient information leaflet - 'When your waters break early'. They are inviting comments from members of the public and user groups, as well as medical professionals, and would welcome input from everyone in the Little Heartbeats community. Ciara and Rachel from Little Heartbeats have provided input to this leaflet during the drafting stage and it is all looking positive but there is always room for improvement. We would welcome your comments and suggestions to include in formal Little Heartbeats feedback on the draft. We would also encourage you to submit your own feedback directly to the RCOG via the process detailed on their website. Please feel free to be critical, as that is the only way to make these things as good as they need to be!
Follow the link and its the last leaflet link on this page.