Chlo lost her waters at 18 weeks gestation
This is Chlo & Jaylen-raes PPROM story and they are sharing because Chlo spent nearly every day on our page looking for hope! and it helped her through PPROM ! This is there story of hope, there story of how there miracle๐ came into the World PPROM PREGNANCY
PPROM at 18 weeks, born by planned C-section at 37 weeks and 3 days at Wolverhampton New Cross Hospital
On the 15TH of march 2021, 5:00am i was currently sleeping when woke by a gush of water which felt as if i wet myself. i though about it all morning googling what it could be, around 11:00am i text my midwife and she suggested i called triage. So i did so and was asked to come in, they done a PPROM test which actually came back negative and was sent home with no answers:(.
At my 20 week scan they confirmed i had very little water around my baby and was diagnosed with oligohydramnios which is too little fluid around the baby and is at serious risk of complications such as lungs not growing strong enough to survive!, i was then passed on to a doctor midwife to try figure out what caused me to have to little fluid around the baby with the deepest pocket of fluid at just 2CM,
but no one could work out why, the PPROM test was repeated and was still negative, at around 22 weeks the gush of water happened again and this time the PPROM test came back positive and this was the answer to why i had oligohydramnios, at 23 weeks and 6 days i had my first set of lung steroids for the baby and another one repeated the next day at 24 weeks.
i had weekly scans and twice weekly infection and heart beat check ups, every day was like a battle to keep him in as long as i could, everyday felt better we done another day, but nothing guaranteed my baby would survive but my midwifes and doctor never told me to terminate!
That was never an option to me anyway, i would fight with my son!. every check up we had he had minimal fluid around him at 2CM and highs of 2.5CM but he still continued to grow, on the bigger side too:). Going out was very hard as i would always gush a lot of fluid as if i had wet myself: (. i spent most days on bed rest just wishful thinking and very upset, as weeks went on it got easier! around 34 weeks he was breech and with little water to try and turn around it was unlikely he would, so my C-section was then planned for 37 weeks and 3 days. at 36 weeks i had my second lot of lung steroid injection to help my little man for his arrival, everyone stunned we had made it so far:). two days before my C-section i had my pre-op which was very emotional with me and the midwifes in FAU, as my journey of my pregnancy i was in FAU 3 days a week so became very fond of the ladies who work in there (same place i had my pre-op too).on the day of my C-section my nerves were everywhere not knowing the outcome of my little soldier, i could not settle but on the 26TH of July at 5:59 weighing 8LB3OZ
My little ray of sunshine was born needing no help what so ever, even though the NICU staff was on stand by but he did not need them:) and we then was sent home as a pair the following day.
the staff at New Cross Hospital was amazing and i am so grateful for the help and support me and my son received.
