Me, PPROM and Coronavirus
There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still
(saying by Franklin D Roosevelt)
In these times of uncertainty, we repeatedly hear questions of,
Who can support me?
How can I do this alone?
What are my rights?
The answers are not always easy to swallow. Especially as hospitals fight to battle a virus that is affecting so many and we all want to ensure that we play our part in reducing the spread of it.
We self isolate, we home school and we all make our own individual sacrifices to ensure that we play our part. In a way this virus has reminded us of the small values. Small values of family time, our rights to freedom and realising how precious our teachers are!
Yet within those moments we think of our pregnant mums who are faced with a choice that they didn't plan or expect or want.
How can I give birth now?
We at little heartbeats have always stood by your decision regarding your pregnancy. This is your body and your choice. We want to reassure you that this has not changed.
Hospitals are putting in place their own strict policies regarding how a woman should give birth. Including, one birth partner ( sometimes none at all) restrictions on visiting a baby on NICU and preventing father's from supporting mums after birth.
RCOG, RCM and others Questions and answers for women and their families:
These Q&As relate to theCoronavirus (COVID-19) infection and pregnancy – guidance for healthcare professionals: Version 5 - 28 March 2020andOccupational health advice for employers and pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic – 26 March 2020published by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Midwives and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, with input from the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association, Public Health England and Health Protection Scotland.
Birth right have quoted us stating:
Restrictions that are disproportionate, and which could create or increase mental health concerns in a new mother, are quite possibly going to increase the need for even more NHS time and resources for that person at a later time. Finding a way forward now for labour and birth, can help to minimise trauma and continuing mental health issues, and decrease the need to use more NHS resources in the future
Understanding your rights in order to move forward is essential, now more than ever. You as expectant parents, have every right to understand where you stand. Do your reaserch, plan and don't be afraid to ask those difficult questions. Stay in control. Know your rights and most importantly do what's right for you and your family.
More on your Birthrights, please visit Birth rights website listed below.
* Little Heartbeats are here if you need support in writing letters let us know.
We are here for you.
* Feel free to share your experiences, to do so, log into our site, and comment, please note this is open to the public to see. Thank you for sharing.