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Reviews / Testimonials

Today we are asking you how important has Ciara and her Little Heartbeats team work has meant for you

Both with our information packs and our involvement in pprom research

Right now we do this on limited funding

We would be very grateful for as many comments please on what our work has meant for you,

Recently we been nominated for our 3rd award this year, these nominations mean the following to us

To be honest,

we are speechless to have been nominated. Little Heartbeats, a non-profit, started when I lost my daughter Sinead after PPROM (Preterm Prelabour Rupture of the Membranes).  Since then I and my growing team have been mentoring women through PPROM and beyond.  We have helped thousands of families throughout the UK and around the world.

Very few people realise that losing your waters does not necessarily mean the end of your pregnancy.  We seek above all to raise awareness that women in this position have choices, and that the most important consideration is finding the right time to deliver. 

When PPROM has occurred very early in the pregnancy, in particular before the baby is deemed to be ‘viable’, it is in fact possible to continue the pregnancy for many weeks or even months, to give the baby the best possible chance of survival.  However, prolonging the pregnancy is not always the right choice, and we also advocate for women who need to deliver their babies sooner to protect the lives of mother and baby.  We continue to support women and their families through time in neonatal units and in the early years of their babies’ lives.  We are also very proud of the support we provide to those who sadly lose their babies, an outcome which remains far too common after PPROM.

We have maintained a website since 2013, run support and information groups on social media, and send out PPROM information packs to anyone who needs them.  We also work closely with the medical profession to raise awareness of PPROM, to encourage and fund research, and to improve guidance and care.  We have worked with the RCOG on the development of updated guidance for the medical profession and general public about PPROM; we are working with Liverpool Women’s Hospital on a current UKOSS PPROM study into PPROM prior to 23 weeks, which will ultimately result in much needed guidance specifically aimed at this cohort; and we have raised over £20,000 for the UCLH Stem Cell Patch Project, which we hope may lead to the discovery of a way to heal the fetal membrane.  Please find attached a document giving further information about our work.

During COVID 19 we have seen the difficulties of a PPROM pregnancy compounded, as women experiencing this pregnancy complication, frequently facing an uncertain outcome for their baby, have had to attend appointments alone and have not always been allowed the support of their partner during the earlier stages of labour.  We have seen an increase in adverse outcomes after PPROM during the pandemic, which is making our work even more vital.

Being nominated means we get the chance to raise awareness of PPROM in pregnancy and break the silence.

Each teddy represents a pprom baby we do not understand the outcome until mum delivers her baby.

Achieving bringing back patient leaflets and guidelines is a massive start to helping future families who are impacted by pprom

With Lucy her miracle after Pprom

Four amazing mums brought home their babies through our support, all told the chances were little to none.

My daughters grave,

No one told me about PPROM

Till it happened to us, and Ever since we have told our story

We have raised thousands for Pprom research and sent over 1000 free information packs to pregnant women enduring pprom and beyond

These packs alone have helped families regardless of outcomes.

All our work is done on limited funds

One day we hope you will break the silence and help us to do more

PPROM research projects

The following research is ongoing which in the future will help save babies life's and help prevent pregnant mums of the risks of life threatening sepis to their health and that of their baby.

1, Stem cells to reseal the membranes

once the sac with the amniotic fluid breaks, women and their babies are at risk of infection, cord prolapse and placenta abruption. They are investing the placenta and membranes to discover how to reseal the membranes to prevent our mums from this and from preterm birth

2, ukoss study

Is to help understand PPROM prior to 24 weeks and the study hopes to understand the condition more so we can provide better care and understanding of PPROM

See more details here.

Campaigning since we loss our 1st child Sinead

For years we have campaigned and failed to have our voices heard because knowing about PPROM before it happens should be the normal rather than women feel alone

Sign our petition so finally MP'S listen to our voices

Little Heartbeats is a non profit and rely only on your donations, we do not gain any government funding while we raise funds for research, right now women are going through PPROM and we send out free information packs so women know they are not alone and can advocate for their health to help them make informed choices about their pregnancy and baby. Our website alone have given support to pregnant women and their families Worldwide

Donate towards our work here:

Our song was released on Sinead's 10th anniversary

By just watching our video will help spread awareness and by purchaisng our song will help us with our mission of both providing PPROM care packs and research


Jul 05, 2020

I didn’t find little heartbeats until after my little boy was born sleeping. I had never heard of PPROM before it happened to me. I felt so alone and heartbroken. I stumbled across little heartbeats by accident and then Ciara messaged me about the work little heartbeats do. I was sent a loss support pack which made me cry happy tears. Just knowing I wasn’t alone was enough. However Ciara and her team also answered questions I had and gave me suggestions of things to ask at my son’s post mortem. Ciara and the team have gone above and beyond at every turn for me. Including teary phone calls And offering my reassurance for a future pregnancy. The passion an…


Jul 05, 2020

I cant thank Ciara and the team at little heartbeats enough for all the help and support they gave me when I suffered pprom in my pregnancy in 2019. I never even knew pprom existed, i googled it and came across little heartbeats and contacted them. I was sent so much useful information that i could use when drs told me the only option was termination, even though my pregnancy didn't end well the team have also answered my questions and supported me in my next pregnancy. Thank you little heart beats.

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