Want to get involved in making a change for PPROM parents?

PPROM Research - Focus PPROM research zoom group to learn how to support parents during a PPROM pregnancy and beyond.
We are a group of researchers at King’s College London, working in Obstetrics and Perinatal Psychology, who are looking to hear stories from those who are currently or have in the past experienced PPROM:- Preterm Prelabour Rupture of the Membranes in order to improve the support available.
If you would like to be involved in this extremely important research to improve support for those who have been through PPROM, please email little.heartbeats@mail.com
(Note there is a dot between Little and Heartbeats)
We are always trying to improve care for women that we look after during and after their pregnancies.
We are really interested in hearing women’s stories who are currently or have in the past experienced PPROM:- Preterm Prelabour Rupture of the Membranes.
As we would like to have more understanding of the issues involved in order to improve the support for women. We really want to hear the impact it’s had on you and your families and what (if any) emotional support has been offered during and after this incredibly difficult time. Your views on what would be helpful are incredibly important.
In the first instance we would like to hold some Zoom sessions (focus groups) where you can share your experiences and views. This is confidential and can be anonymous if you prefer to have your camera turned off. You can also simply type into the chat box if you feel most comfortable doing this. We hope that this will then enable us to see the themes that are most important to you.
💜 Anyone not able to join us on zoom can email us with your experiences (email little.heartbeats@mail.com (dot between little and heartbeats or contact our page with your email address).
💙 Baby loss zoom call time is Thursday 10th June - time at 7pm till 9pm UK time- contact us at the above email address with your email address to be invited to this meeting.
❤ Neonatal / miracle babies zoom call time is (waiting to have this confirm but will be either Wednesday 9th June 2021 10 am till 12 noon UK time ( although I may have to ask for this to be change to the week after if we do not have enough families coming forward )
contact us at the above email address with your email address to be invited to this meeting.
Based on this we hope that we can design a formal survey for a larger group of women who have experienced PPROM.
The results of this will hopefully raise awareness of the important issues and help us to secure funding for more research (for example the impact of counselling sessions) and training (for example how obstetricians discuss options with women and their partners).
The research is taking place with the support of Little Heartbeats, a patient advocacy group who mentor and support women suffering with PPROM.
Little Heartbeats discussed the impact of PPROM with one of our researchers and raised the concern of the lack of support available. They have found that regardless of the outcome, mums and their families are often left traumatised. They have also found that the impact of how medical staff explained the diagnosis of PPROM also had a large impact on mental health.