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We are very honoured and grateful we were nominated

Everything we do is to help others out in hope they never have to walk in our shoes and if they do walk in our shoes, to ensure they know they are NOT alone.

We are very honoured and grateful we were nominated

4 weeks ago we were told we were in the short list for the NHS Heroes Sun Who Cares Wins Awards.

We had the Sun awards videographer and photographer around for an interview with photos around 3 weeks ago, we were VERY excited,. and so overwhelmed as we thought finally its a yes its our biggest opportunity to date.

but devastating we didn't get to the final 3 shortlist

And the filming and photos we did may never be shown ever

Although I have asked if it is possible to have something in the paper but if is, sadly, it will only be about 300 words.

We have asked if it is possible to have any of the footage / photos, who knows they may just say yes.

If I am honest

I foolishly was hoping our luck was in

I no idea how many thousands more we have to help for judges to say WOW

Although we not do not do this to win awards

It's nice to be acknowledge for your hard work

So I am saying sorry I couldn't be a winner for our team

Thanks to all who nominated us

I am forever grateful for the opportunity and for all our volunteers

We are doing our uppermost and

I honestly did try my best in our video to get us recognised

And to spread Awareness of

Little Heartbeats raising awareness of PPPROM and supporting families through this life changing condition in pregnancy

Feel free to nominate us for next year

Just this year far too many other good causes..

And we wish them the best of luck..

Nominate here for next year:-.

(maybe we need 1000's to nominate us and help us explain why we should stand above all the other amazing good causes).

❤ We work tirelessly in memory of our daughter Sinead because we believe PPROM deserves more recognition and our volunteers who help and I feel this is why its hard to hear we did not make it as this is a big part of our lives. ❤

Today 12.08.2021 we were in a meeting for our next PPROM research study which will be coming out soon, we are making positive changes and I hope you are proud of us,

Thanks to all our volunteers and thanks to everyone who stands by us and cares about our work, this means the world.

One day we will break the taboo on PPROM and our daughter Sinead's life will not be in vain.



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