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Tiffany mum's, 35 weeker- PPROM & IC survivor

Mum Tiffany, created this video on her pregnancy journey. Tiffany was diagnosed with incompetent cervix at my morphology scan. Her cervix started to shorten extremely fast from 19 weeks and when she was 22w it went from 2.5mm to 1.9mm within 5 days!

Tiffany was admitted and had an emergency cerclarge placed, the procedure went well but the next morning at 3am, she woke up to a gush of fluid and it was confirmed she had ppromed. Tiffany had multiple steriod shots and was told her baby had a very slim chance of making it to 24weeks.

Due to a miracle Tiffany's membranes resealed and managed to carry her baby girl till 35.5w. Mum Tiffany, could have gone longer but her cerclarge was causing pain and stated to bleed so it was removed at 34.5w and we delivered at 35w5d due to cervix dilating and shorting. As soon it was removed her babies head could be felt and was visible but due to having a double cervix it was unsafe to give birth naturally so she had to have a c section.

Mum Tiffany, wanted you to know, that Miracles do happen, maybe not everyday but they do happen, please don't give up hope.

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