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Vote for Annabelle & Neil's son Lucas Sky Ryder

To Vote for Lucas Sky Ryder plane

On 7th May 2015, Annabelle & Neil Son arrived early at 24 weeks, weighing 1lb 6oz.

Lucas was a little fighter and in the first instance things were looking good.

Sadly, he caught a secondary infection and passed away in Mummy & daddy's arms on 25th May 2015 Mum & dad, say that they do not become traditional parents, all they have is memories, although Lucas is in our hearts forever, he is truly missed.

We would love the chance for this plane to named after our son.

This Christmas we do not get to open presents up with our son, our son will never go to nursery or to school.

It has left a massive hole in our hearts.

Our one wish for Christmas would be to have his name in honour of their son 'Lucas Sky Ryder' on the Thomson Dreamliner aeroplane.

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