Becky's story of PPROM

Becky's story
PPROM at Suspected at 27 weeks, confirmed at 29 weeks 1day. Harrison born at 29 weeks 1 day
Lives in UK
I was pregnant in 2012, due Sept 24th and it was my first pregnancy. All was going well except I had bad SPD and was in pain a lot of the time, baby was head down and quite low which made it worse.
At around 27 weeks I was quite convinced my plug was coming out and my waters were leaking - I went to the MAU around 3 times each time to be sent home saying I was ok, despite the last time having excruciating abdominal pain. On July 10th we traveled to Birmingham from Cambridge and when we stopped along the way, I noticed I was really wet down below.
Embarassed, I thought I wet myself and bought some Tena lady and we carried on. We arrived in Birminghsm for my husbands PhD graduation, met his parents, collected his gown and went for photos - and as he was having his formal portraits taken - my waters broke, in front of a LOT of people. I was 29+1. We made our way to the nearest A&E (which was the Childrens Hospital!) and I was transferred to Birmingham Womens, and admitted. I was told yes, it was my waters, they would keep me for 48 hours and all being well, send me home.
Unfortunately, 6 hours later, I started having contractions and babys heart kept stopping with each one. I ended up having an emergency C section at 8.38pm. Baby was ok, immediately ventilated and transferred to Cambridge 2 days later. He spent 78 days in various hospital wards, but is now a happy, healthy 3 year old. No reason was found for the PPROM and when I found out I was expecting again, I was terrified. Luckily, he went to due date
