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Meet Baby Ava Campaigning for change for PPROM

Meet Baby Ava

Ava has a loving mum & dad

Baby Ava has a big brother and a big sister


Baby Ava, was born asleep and resuscitated but only lived for 6days

The most upsetting and heartbreaking thing is..

  • If PPROM guidelines were followed, and Ava was delivered at 34weeks baby Ava would of be here!

  • Had the hospital investigated our daughter Sinead's case prior to baby Ava being born then this could have been avoided.


  • The hospital chose not to, and we are still trying to have our case investigated properly with honesty.

Which is why we need your help to gaining signatures to change this, we need at least 100,000 signatures

More than ever we need change

If no one signs our petition, we will have more babies following in the footsteps of Ava, NO parent should have to deal with this and then find out guidelines were not followed, regardless of gestation which is why we need change.

  • Ava & Sinead deserved the chance of life, that chance of life was taken away when no one followed the guidelines.

  • What you can do, is sign our petition, share this blog post, and ask your friends to sign

  • Otherwise we will have more babies following in the footsteps of Ava & Sinead.

  • No parent should have to deal with this and then to walk away with a box to find out guidelines were not followed and that their babies could of survived PPROM had a strict management been in place with discussions of the labour choices.

  • We have many PPROM pregnant mums who were told to induce if their waters break before 24 weeks, and being informed there babies have no chance of survival.

  • This is not true, Pregnant mums can carry up to 34weeks of pregnancy. In some rare cases our mums can reseal too. Many babies can make it with no issues.

  • But if pregnant mums are not informed of this they are denied this right and it takes away that promise of not allowing mums to have choices

  • Our pregnant mums have to live with what ever the outcome is.

  • Living without your baby knowing that more could of been done is not acceptable

  • Which is vital the guidelines should be followed, and allow parents to have all the knowledge on PPROM to make informed choices.

  • Regardless of gestation, guidelines must be adhered to at all possible times and allowing pregnant mums to be allowed to be part of the decision making.

Which is WHY we need change

In memory of Ava & Sinead.

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