My Stories of PPROM
My story of PPROM, Tayler Jake my angel and Myia our Warrior
I have experience 2 PPROM pregnancies with 2 very different outcomes.
Tayer Jake Journey
I was 18 years old when my waters broke with our 1st born at 19 weeks gestation. We were told that he had next to no fluid around him & wouldn't survive so we should terminate. This was never an option for us so we carried on but was given very little advice of how to move on with the pregnancy. I had regular blood test,took my temperature several times a day & had many scans. We were never offered the option of steroid's! At one point they were extremely surprised to see that the fluid levels had increased a little. They said they had never seen it happen before.
At 25 weeks 1 day on 8th October 2003 I went into labour & Tyler Jake was born sleeping very soon afterwards. The midwife had found his heartbeat just a few moments before delivery so they tried to resuscitate him but their efforts failed.
I then went on to have some early miscarriages & 3 healthy little boys. Each pregnancy having other difficulties.
Then came our 2nd PPROM experience,
Myia Hope's journey
Myia Hope was born on 22nd October 2015 at 25 weeks of pregnancy weighing 1lb 7oz. My waters had broke at just 19 weeks & doctors insisted she could not survive & we should terminate the pregnancy. We refused & I put myself on complete bed-rest at home to try & keep labour at bay for as long as possible. Because of our experience with Tyler I made sure to do lots of research & find as much info as I could about how to continue the pregnancy, what I should insist on from doctors & also the best NICU's.
We made sure she got her steroid's & held on for 6 weeks but then I got an infection & she arrived of her own accord with a breach birth. She was breathing in less than a minute, spent 5 weeks on life support, fought PDA, burst lung,brain bleed & several infections.
After a long battle & a total of 106 days in NICU she came home on oxygen! She has chronic lung disease & developmental delay but is doing amazingly well! She's now 21months old, only on oxygen through the night & we are hoping to get her off all together very soon!
I hope my story can be of use to others who find themselves in this situation. I have a non profit page in Tylers name for Angel babies (link here,
Follow Myia's page to keep up to date with her progress, a little bit of hope goes a long way....