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Little Heartbeats Fundraising appeal

Help us survive COVID and keep the work of Little Heartbeats going

Therefore we are asking for a massive favour and hoping this be will of interest to yourselves,

First of all, sending tons of love to all our families, please know you are not alone and we have closed support pages, all we ask is you answer the questions so it makes it easier for admitting you into the group.

This Year we have sent hundreds of free PPROM information care packs, which have helped our families who do receive these through PPROM. We know they give comfort to our many families dealing with this condition and OUR mission is to keep sending our packs out to as many families as we can.

Right now as you are reading this, another family is dealing with PPROM and it can be a lonely place. Please help us to keep sending these out so that our families do not feel alone.

Right now, we are on limited funding, we know we do not always get to meet some of our parents till after they have gone through PPROM but we are trying our uppermost to change this, we are only a very small team.

Our care pack, as you see in our photos below, these are something special and only those who have received these know how important they are.

We have sent over 290 this year, we know this should be more,and only you can help us make sure everyone gets one.

Therefore we need you to come forward, if you are reading this, and are wanting to do something special and looking for a challenge, and would like to to fundraise for us, please let us know.

(if we do NOT have funds coming in, we will no longer be able to have a website or send our FREE care packs out, none of our volunteers do not get paid and we do not charge for our service.

Sponsor a pack by PayPal (dot between little and heartbeats)


Little Heartbeats TSB

sort code 77-71-01

Number, 69587260


We are also working hard on various PPROM research projects as follows:-

1st PPROM Research Project, the ongoing resealing of the membranes.

After having a stem membrane network meeting update on the 1st December 2020, in regards to the resealing off the membranes, because right now there is not a cure,

This is powerful pioneering work they are doing in which they will be writing up updates soon, in fact I cried after this meeting, as this is something I have helped work on for years on and I’m so proud to be part of this, they have appealed to us and we are speaking to you.

Sign up here to the fundraising team here:-

2nd research project is the UKOSS PPROM study

Understanding a life-threatening pregnancy complication

The UKOSS PPROM study, the target goal was to donate £16,000 to this project to date we have raised £6979.00 towards this project.

So far we know from this study that...

  • At least 307 pregnancies have had PPROM between 16 to 23 weeks of pregnancy between September 2019 and the end of June 2020

  • This means: Roughly 1 in 2000 pregnancies in the UK appear to have endured PPROM between 16 and 23 weeks of pregnancy in 2019/20

This is approximately one pregnancy every day in the UK.

This is not including all those mums who PPROM

prior 16 weeks gestation or those over 24 weeks.

UKOSS PPROM Story of Hope

PPROM at 14 weeks gestation

Listen to Abbie and Matthew's story of PPROM

UKOSS PPROM Story of Baby loss

UKOSS PPROM Baby loss story,

When I started this mission for change, 10 years ago, after losing my baby, my one wish I had. in memory of my first born baby Sinead, was to find more answers, we hope this research helps understand PPROM more.

* More information on this study for Wellbeing of Women, take a look here..

* More information for the PPROM UKOSS study

Right now we have 4 aims

1. To ensure we have enough funds to keep Little Heartbeats website on line, if we do not have the funding in place, we cannot keep our website live on the World wide web and we cannot carry on sending our FREE PPROM care packs out and to keep our awareness up (this year, I really wanted to fund for some billboards but at a cost of £1500 I simply cannot do this right now, help us change this because awareness saves lives)

2. Research for the resealing of the membranes, because right now there is not a cure for PPROM.

3. Research on the UKOSS study, this work is going to help us create guidelines of families who endure this condition prior 24 weeks and open the doors for more research, this is vital work, so far we know that

4, to get our PPROM song in the charts, I know this is a crazy dream, but we deserve this so much, a song of hope but not false hope.:Where's there's a Heartbeat, there is hope by Little Heartbeats.

see here, on You Tube and to download our song here.

All of the above work is vital work for the future of our families

· If you are interested in taking on the challenge to raise funds for Little Heartbeats, please send a private message via our Facebook page, or email

* New challenge called "Walk a mile in my shoes'

We asking you to walk a mile, and then film the start and end of your walk, then challenge a new family who have already gone through their PPROM journey, we want to go around the UK, around the World.

(We want you to email your clips in for us to edit by we transfer or similar to our email )

We then need you to open a crowdfunder page, and state you be raising funds for Little Heartbeats, the funds raised will be divided between our care packs,website, and awareness costs and towards the research stated above.

Some of our parents have already created their Go fund page or crowd funder and they are splitting the funding between our care packs and the research, it would be amazing if you can join us.

We have set up a direct Just giving team page for the stem resealing of the research, due to the UCLH new structure on Just giving I have set up a new team page and as I am limited on volunteers at the moment it helps me out to be honest. The target is our highest funds we have challenge ourselves to date, but I believe this is possible with your support. We are doing a direct funds to the UCLH as it’s a big goal we want to reach and due to us not yet having our charity number.

So far the team raised £23,596.74, which is an incredible amount of funding, let's secure more funding for the amazing researchers who are not giving up because they believe PPROM deserves an intervention.

💙 All funds for the UKOSS study please send a payment to Little Heartbeats and email ourselves to confirm that you sending funds for this particular project.

The reason we’ve not yet achieved charity status is because the one thing holding us back, is that I am having to reach out to recruit more trustees and volunteers to enable to structure our team and build Little Heartbeats to an official charity in memory of Sinead who 10 years ago, I promised I’d do this.

I will be advertising this soon, feel free to send your CV if you are indeed interested in any of the above, especially anyone with legal knowledge, Human resources and policy experience, and has been through PPROM.

Please bear in mind, I work as a volunteer running Little Heartbeats and I am a mum to two young children and I owe it to them that I fulfil my promise to their eldest sister Sinead who was too beautiful for life. I put my heart and soul into this work. My biggest wish is to have our charity number and have a bigger team working along side me and working towards all of our goals.

If you are interested in any of the above do let us know

thanks so much


Founder of Little Heartbeats

Telephone number. 07877 075976


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